Navštívili jsme: Bistro Polévkárna

We visited: Bistro Polévkárna

22. 8. 2020

Polévkárna bistro located on Sokolovská street is such a great place to get a quick lunch during the week. You will always find a few soups on the menu, from the broth to the creamy ones. Moreover, you can also get something to eat there. Very popular are their focaccias and Chacapuris with cheese or spinach, which we certainly recommend trying. You can sit outside as well as inside however, we would recommend coming after or before the main lunchtime as this place is pretty popular and thus, often full.

Written by  Kateřina a Tereza, founders of the project @kamvpraze (where to go in Prague) who want to inspire other foodies.

Which way to the restaurant?


Quick info

- up to 20 minutes walking distance from Residence U Sluncové

- a bistro serving several kinds of soup and small salty as well as sweet dishes

- opened only during the week





  • Štěrboholy
  • Prague 10
  • Pořádá FINEP
  • Malý háj