FINEP HOLDING is one of the largest developers in this country. We are a market leader and are among the organisations that set trends on the real estate development market. We are the only company to offer our clients on the Czech market complete services in all areas related to housing.
FINEP - NEW FLATS AND HOUSES in locations with plenty of amenities ALREADY for more than 23 years.
We are moving the boundaries of Czech and Slovak city development by developing entirely new city neighbourhoods on a level comparable with other major international cities. We are also the only developer which has long been one of the Top 5 largest developers of residential and administrative real estate in the Czech Republic. Since 1995 we have built more than 17,000 new flats in residential buildings in several dozen successful residential projects. We also implement construction of modern town family houses with their own gardens in Prague. There were more than 200 of them.
Not only have we sold our clients their residential units, but we have also built new living spaces for them, including, but not limited to, children’s play areas, sport areas, urban parks, lawns and large city parks as well as commercial premises and modern urban infrastructure directly on site. And our City West administrative complex is completely occupied by successful foreign and Czech companies. During the first phase of development of the City West complex, we have built more than 100,000 square metres of office space.
We are a Czech company that is successful abroad as well. We have been operating in Bratislava since 2006. So far, we have completed the construction or sale of almost 1,500 apartments, and we have hundreds of other apartments in preparation phase in this capital city. Since 2013, we have been building two thousand apartments in Erdenet, the second largest city in Mongolia.
We are a company that was behind the renaissance of new cooperative construction projects in the Czech Republic in 2011 and we are slowly approaching the goal of two thousand cooperative apartments sold and preparing other cooperative apartments for interested parties.
We are a responsible developer – we implement our multi-stage residential projects and sensitively complement the locality with a range of services and amenities as well as modern infrastructure and urban greenery so that new clients can live in the site comfortably. Our goal is to build three essential forms of housing – personal ownership, cooperative ownership, and rental – within our large existing or even planned locations, and thus we strengthen the concept of more affordable housing. During the last two years, we have already implemented our first rental projects in Prague – in Barrandov and the Rezidence Pergamenka project in Holešovice – in cooperation with investment funds. And now, other rental projects are being prepared by us.
We provide comprehensive real estate and financial services to our clients, including bank securing of funds. Professionalism and our level of provided services has historically also lead to us being named Developer of the Year. Our projects have won titles in the Best of Realty competition